- Author
- Vanspeybroeck, R. | VanWesemael, E. | VanHees, P. | Vandevelde, P.
- Title
- Calorimetric Combustion Assessment of Polyurethane Flexible Foam and Fabric Composites.
- Coporate
- Urethane Polymers Research and Development, Terneuzen, The Netherlands Gent Univ., Belgium
- Journal
- Cellular Polymers, Vol. 12, No. 5, 374-389, 1993
- Keywords
- polyurethane foams | flexible foams | fabrics | combustion | composite materials | ignition | smoke | carbon monoxide | calorimetry | flammability testing | heat release rate | cone calorimeters
- Identifiers
- flexible foamed plastics; gas emissions; fabric composites; heat peak rate; Nordtest NT 032 calorimeter