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Rossiter, W. J. | Brown, P. W.
Initial Investigation of the Properties and Performance of Magnesium Oxychloride-Based Foam Thermal Insulation.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Department of Energy, Washington, DC
NBSIR 87-3642, December 1987,
Available from National Technical Information Service
foam; properties; characteristics; density; insulation; moisture content; construction materials | thermal conductivity
magnesium oxychloride
The study is an initial investigation of the properties and performance of magnesium oxychloride-based foam thermal insulation. Tests and observations were performed on samples prepared in the laboratory and also removed from one cavity of a wall of a wood-frame house. The tests to characterize the foam included measurements of density, moisture content, shrinkage, and thermal conductivity, and analysis using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetry techniques. It was found that the foam had a thermal conductivity comparable to that of other insulations used to retrofit walls of houses. Shrinkage could not be quantified, but was seen to be generally small. The moisture content of the foam removed from the house was about 2 percent. The results of the analytical measurements indicated that the laboratory-prepared samples and some of those removed from the house were not identical. It was suggested that further analysis be conducted to continue characterization of the foam.