FireDOC Search

Gilman, J. W. | Morgan, A. B. | Giannelis, E. P. | Wuthenow, M. | Manias, E.
Flammability and Thermal Stability Studies of Polymer Layered-Silicate (Clay) Nanocomposites. Part 2.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park
Book or Conf
Flame Retardancy, 10th Annual BCC (Business Communications Co., Inc.) Conference. Proceedings. May 24-26, 1999, Business Communications Co., Inc., Norwalk, CT, Stamford, CT, 1-11 p., 1999
nanocomposites | flammability | thermal stability | clay | flame retardants | thermal properties | physical properties | polypropylene | polystyrene | cone calorimeters | heat release rate
In many of the cases studied, polymer-clay nanocomposites are materials that have improved thermal properties. Furthermore, most of the nanocomposite systems reported so far show reduced flammability. The delaminated versions of nanocomposites also offer measurable improvements in a variety of physical properties. The intercalated versions offer the above benefits, but with less improvement in physical properties. Many issues are unresolved as to the mechanism of these property enhancements. We report here on our continuing study of the mechanism of flammability reduction with recent results for polypropylene and polystyrene layered-silicate nanocomposites using montmorillonite and fluorohectorite.