FireDOC Search

Utech, H. P.
Facing Up to Leakage. Part 2. On Firefighters and Their Breathing Apparatus.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Fire Independent, Vol. 1, No. 2, 5-7, March 1975
fire fighters | leakage | face masks | face protection | self contained breathing apparatus
The firefighter's breathing apparatus is bot his most essential tool and his most onerous burden. Well-known and obvious problems with present designs are their: Weight--the 30 to 35 pounds add a big physiological burden to an already strenuous job, Bulk--the 7-inch diameter by 20-inch long bottle strapped to the back reduces maneuverability and contributes to accidents, Duration--the 30-minute rated duration turns out to be only 15 to 20 minutes in practice.