FireDOC Search

U.S. Department of Transportation
1971 Analysis of Accident Reports Involving Fire.
Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
accident statistics | transportation | regulations
property carrier accidents involving fire; passenger carrier accidents involving fire
This special report contains summary tables of selected national transportation statistics. The statistics were extracted from 57,746 reports submitted in 1971 by motor carriers who hold operating authority from the Interstate Commerce Commission and by carriers of exempt commodities subjet to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Of the total number of accidents reported, only 732 or 1.26% involved fire. This small number, however, involved 7.09% of the fatalities, 1.28% of the injuries and 7.87% of the property damage of the totals reported in 1971. Accordingly, the serious actual consequences of accidents involving fire, as well as the potential catastrophic consequences, warrants particular attention. The 732 accident reports are divided into two parts in this study, dealing with property carriers and passenger carriers.