- Author
- Murphy, J. J., Jr.
- Title
- WTC: Actions of Fire Safety Directors and Fire Warden Teams.
- Journal
- Fire Engineering, Vol. 155, No. 11, 95-98, November 2002
- Keywords
- World Trade Center | fire safety | evacuation | damage | high rise buildings | fire codes | building codes | terrorism | terrorists
- Identifiers
- World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001; upgrades after the 1993 attack; collateral damage and other neighboring buildings; Fire Safety Directors Association (FSDA) assistance; Class E-type Fire Alarm System (FAS); Fire Command Center (FCC); certified Fire Safety Director (FSD); Fire Warden Teams (FWT) consisting of fire wardens, deputy fire wardens, and searchers