FireDOC Search

National Institute of Building Sciences
Directory of Online Databases for Building and Construction.
National Institute of Building Sciences, Washington, DC
databases | building construction
building science databases; building reference databases; business reference databases; general reference databases; database vendors; gateway services; research services; fedlink system; directory index
This directory identifies 211 databases of potential Interest to the members of the building community, which may be searched online, using a personal computer and appropriate telephone linkages. The databases are available from eight major database vendors: DIALOG Information Services, Pergamon ORBIT Infoline, BRS Information Technologies, STN International, European Space Agency-Information Retrieval Service, Pergamon Financial Data Services, Wllsonllne, and Newsnet. The databases are organized Into four main topic areas: Building Science Databases, containing sixty-one databases that have direct application to building and construction; Building Reference Databases, seventy-five, primarily technical, databases that may have useful information for more specialized applications; Business Reference Databases, twenty-eight business-oriented databases that may be useful to building and construction firms; and General Reference Databases, fortyseven databases, containing a variety of general information, which can be used to supplement the more technical databases or locate data for unique applications. In addition, the directory contains information on: four gateway services operated by -- Telebase Systems, Western Union Telegraph Company, INet Company of America, and the Defense Technical Information Center; two research services -- Information on Demand and FIND/SVP; and FEDLINK -- a central government purchasing agency for InformatIon services. An Index to the building related databases is also provided.