FireDOC Search

Hovde, P. J.
Comparison Between Nordic and ISO Fire Test Methods. Project 6 of the EUREFIC Fire Research Program.
SINTEF, Norway
STF25 A91025, June 28, 1991, 50 p.
test methods | fire research | linings | cone calorimeters | evaluation | classifications
surface finish products; ISO 5657; NT Fire 004; ISO/DIS 5660; ISO/DIS 9705
In this report is presented the results from a comparison between the existing Nordic fire test methods and classification system for linings and surface finish products, and aproposal for a new classification system based upon the use of the cone calorimeter (ISO/DIS 5660) and the room/corner test (ISO/DIS 9705). A description and evaluation of the test methods is given. Eleven different products have been tested at the Nordic laboratories. The test results from the use of ISO 5657 and NT Fire 004 obtained at SINTEF NBL, are presented here. Further, other tests results are presented to the extent they are neede for classification of the products. The 11 products are classified according to the existing Nordic classification system, as well as the new system proposed within the EUREFIC program. A comparison and evaluation of the two classification systems is carried out, and it is concluded that future classification system for linings and surface finish products should be based on ISO/DIS 5660 and ISO/DIS 9705.