FireDOC Search

Arvidson, M. | Lonnermark, A.
Commodity Classification Tests of Selected Ordinary Combustible Products.
SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
SP Report 2002:03, 2002, 56 p.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Box 857, SE-501 15 BORAS, Sweden. Telephone: +46 33 16 50 00, Fax: +46 33 13 55 02, Email: Website:
combustibles | classifications | fire tests | sprinkler systems | test equipment | water | fire hazard | fire fighting | pallets | heat release rate
commodities; intermediate scale fire tests; commodity classification
This report presents the results from a series of commodity classification tests. The primary objective of the project was to establish test data for a selection of different commodities. These commodities were chosen such that they were related to the commodity classification scheme used in the forthcoming European Standard prEN 12845, "Fixed fire fighting systems, Automatic sprinkler systems, Design, lnstallation and maintenance". The test array consisted of four pallet loads of commodity arranged in a 2 by 1 by 2 rack segment. Each commodity was tested using three different water application delivered densities and water was applied at a predetermined heat release rate. Test results showed significant differences in the fire hazard among the tested commodities, however, it can be concluded that most of the commodities, with a few exceptions, had a hazard level that corresponded to the commodity categories given in prEN 12845. With the data obtained from the tests, any commercial commodity could beested and classified in accordance with the requirements of prEN 12845.