FireDOC Search

Gilman, J. W. | Harris, R. H., Jr. | Jackson, C. L. | Morgan, A. B. | Brassell, L. D. | Hunter, D. L.
Phenolic Cyanate Ester Clay Nanocomposites: Effect of Ammonium Ion Structure on Flammability and Nano-Dispersion.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Southern Clay Products Inc., Gonzales, TX
Book or Conf
Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE). Spring Meeting. Volume 82. Proceedings. American Chemical Society (ASME). March 26-30, 2000, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, San Francisco, CA, 276-277 p., 2000
nanocomposites | clay | flammability | flammability testing | heat release rate | ammonium
We have recently found that polymer clay nanocomposites have reduced flammability. This is particularly significant since reduced polymer flammability using additives is often done at the expense of physical properties. We report here on the use of montmorillonite (MMT) dispersed at the nanometer level, in phenolic cyanate ester (CE) resins for reducing flammability. We show that the use of alkylammonium-treated MMT in these resins reduces the peak heat release rate (HRR) by over 50 %. We will also show that the ammonium treatment used to compatibilize the clay with the matrix can dramatically alter the nano-dispersion and the flammability properties. Specifically, we will report on two methods used to **tether** the clay to the cured phenolic triazine matrix.