FireDOC Search

Klingelhöfer, H. G. | Rademacher, H. | Hentrey, T. | Schreiner, W.
Cone Calorimeter: Erprobung des Prüfverfahrens zur Bestimmung der Wärmeentwicklung nach ISO/DP 5660. [Cone Calorimeter: Test of the Testing Procedure in Determination of the Heat Vise to ISO/DP 5660.]
VFDB, No. 3, 98-103, February 1994
cone calorimeters | building materials | fire behavior
In advance of a decision on the introduction of the Cone-Calorimeter-Test according to ISO/DP 5660 a careful test of the testing procedure should be done and a data bank be made available to the industry producing building materials enabling a careful comment. In assition to this 186 materials were tested in 700 trails according to the experimental conditions by MPA NRW. Besides general technical questions as the handliness of the test apprature the operational tube of the testing procedure relating special building materials respectively groups of building materials were looked into. A comparison between the measurements with the Cone-Calorimeter and the fire shaft relating to DIN 4102 showed no correlation to any single measurement quantity of the fire shaft test (smoke temperature, length of remnants, flame height). It appeared that the test results referring a number of building materials are not representative of the fire behavior in case of a real fire. In comparison to the behavior as well in conventional testing procedures as in full scale tests a number of building materials showed special characteristics to be taken into account for evaluation.