FireDOC Search

Apicella, B. | Ciajolo, A. | Suelves, I. | Morgan, T. J. | Herod, A. A. | Kandiyoti, R.
Structural Characterization of Products From Fuel-Rich Combustion: An Approach Based on Size Exclusion Chromatography.
CNR, Naples, Italy CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain Imperial College, London, England
Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 174, No. 11/12, 345-359, November/December 2002
Book or Conf
Mediterranean Combustion Sympsoium, 2nd. (MCS-02). Proceedings. Organized by Cairo University, Cosponsored by the Combustion Institute and the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer and Partially supported by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. January 6-11, 2002, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 2002
fuel combustion | chromatography | soot
size exclusion chromatography; preliminary characterization of tar and soot samples from the fuel-rich combustion of ethylene by SEC