FireDOC Search

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  • Abraham, C. J.; Newman, M.; Bidanset, J. H.
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    Standards and Flammability Characteristics of Blankets and Sheets.
    Inter-City Testing and Consulting Corp., Mineola, NY
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 14th. Volume 14. January 9-13, 1989, Products Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 125-139 p., 1989

  • Abraham, C. J.; Newman, M.; Bidanset, J. H.
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    Analysis of Standards and Testing for Firemen's Protective Clothing.
    Inter-City Testing and Consulting Corp., Mineola, NY
    ASTM STP 989,
    American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Performance of Protective Clothing. ASTM STP 989. International Symposium, 2nd. January 19-21, 1987, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Tampa, FL, Mansdorf, S. Z.; Sager, R.; Nielsen, A. P., Editors, 422-438 p., 1988

  • Abraham, C. J.; Newman, M.; Bidanset, J. H.
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    Mannequin Simulation Studies in the Flammability Evaluation of Garments.
    Inter-City Testing and Consulting Corp., Mineola, NY
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 13th. Volume 13. January 11-15, 1988, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 136-143 p., 1988

  • Abraham, C. J.; Newman, M.
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    Protective Shield for Prevention of Battery Explosion Injuries.
    Inter-City Testing and Consulting Corp., Mineola, NY
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 13th. Volume 13. January 11-15, 1988, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 233-244 p., 1988

  • Abraham, C. J.
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    Flame Retardancy Technology and Standards for Wearing Apparel: A Time for Upgrading.
    Inter-City Testing and Consulting Corp., Mineola, NY
    Business Communications Co., Inc. (BCC). Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials: Materials, Applications, Industry Developments, Markets. Volume 2. May 14-16, 1991, Business Communications Co., Inc., Norwalk, CT, Stamford, CT, Lewin, M.; Kirshenbaum, G. S., Editors, 262-266 p., 1991

  • Abraham, C. J.
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    Solution to Prevent Spontaneous Combustion in Linseed Oil Formulations.
    Inter-City Testing and Consulting Corp., Mineola, U.S.A.
    Fire Retardanty of Polymeric Materials, 6th European Meeting. F.R.P.M. '97. Proceedings. Lectures, Session 2. LCAPS, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL) and Centre de Recherche et d'Etude sur les Procedes d'Ignifugation des Materlaux (CREPIM). September 25-26, 1997, Lille, France, Bourbigot, S.; LeBras, M.; Delobel, R., Editors, 117-117 p., 1997