FireDOC Search

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  • Ahonen, A.; Holmlund, C.; Kokkala, M.
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    On the Influence of Ignition Power and Burner Size on Fire Growth in Room Fire Experiments.
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
    VTT Research Report 383, January 1986, 35 p.

  • Ahonen, A.; Loikkanen, P.
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    Investigation of a Tracer Gas Method to Evaluate Smoke Leakage of Door Assemblies.
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
    Research Report 246; UDC 614.84.33:699.81, January 1984, 52 p.

  • Ahonen, A.; Kokkala, M.; Weckman, H.
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    Burning Characteristics of Potential Ignition Sources of Room Fires.
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo.
    Research Reports 285, June 1984, 48 p.

  • Ahonen, A.; Ojala, A.; Weckman, H.; Yli-Penttila, M.
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    Application of Oxygen Consumption Calorimetry to Non-Combustibility Testing.
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo.
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 9, No. 3, 135-144, September 1985
    Research Report 291, August 1984, 30 p.

  • Ahonen, A.; Holmlund, C.; Kokkala, M.; Weckman, H.
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    Comparison of Petrol and Commercial Heptane in Mechanical Foam Extinguishing Tests.
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
    Research Report 130, October 1982, 37 p.

  • Ahonen, A.; Guttormsen, K.; Holmlund, C.; Kokkala, M.; Loikkanen, P.; Weckman, H.
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    Room Fire Test for Lining Materials. (Palokammio pinnoitemateriaalien testauksessa.)
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
    VTT Research Report 777, 1987, 51 p.

  • Ahonen, A.
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    New Method for Measuring the Fire Gas Leakage of a Structural Part Under Standard Fire Conditions.
    Technical Research Center of Finland, Espoo
    VTT RR-2/1981, 1981, 13 p.

  • Ahonen, A.
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    Sprinklerilaitteistojen standardisointi Euroopassa. [Standardization of Sprinkler Systems in Europe.]
    Palontorjuntatekniika, 14-15, March 1992