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Markezich, R. L.; Mundhenke, R. F.; Aschbacher, D. G.
view article (1.0)Use of a Chlorinated Flame Retardant in Combination With Other Flame Retardants.Occidental Chemical Corp., Grand Island, NYBritish Plastics Federation AND Institute of Materials. Flame Retardants '94. International Conference, 6th. January 26-27, 1994, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 203-211 p., 1994Markezich, R. L.; Aschbacher, D. G.
view article (1.0)Chlorinated Flame Retardant Used in Combination With Other Flame Retardants.Occidental Chemical Corp., Grand Island, NYChapter 5; ACS Symposium Series 599,American Chemical Society. Fire and Polymers II: Materials and Tests for Hazard Prevention. National Meeting, 208th. ACS Symposium Series 599. August 21-26, 1994, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, Nelson, G. L., Editors, 65-75 p., 1995