FireDOC Search

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  • Levin, B. C.; Paabo, M.; Fultz, M. L.; Bailey, C.; Yin, W.; Harris, S. E.
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    Acute Inhalation Toxicolgical Evaluation of Combustion Products from Fire Retarded and Non-Fire Retarded Flexible Polyurethane Foam and Polyester. Final Report.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    Journal of the Japan Fire Retardant Association, Vol. 83, 24-26, September 1985
    Consumer Product Safety Commission, Bethesda, MD, NBSIR 83-2791, November 1983, 70 p.

  • Bailey, C.
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    Steel Structures Supporting Composite Floor Slabs: Design for Fire.
    Building Research Establishment, Garston, England
    Digest 462, December 2001, 12 p.

  • Huang, Z.; Burgess, I.; Plank, R.; Bailey, C.
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    Comparison of BRE Simple Design Method for Composite Floor Slabs in Fire With Non-Linear FE Modelling.
    Sheffield Univ., UK; Building Research Establishment, Watford, England
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 28, No. 2/4, 127-138, March/August 2004

  • Bailey, C.
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    Indicative Fire Tests to Investigate the Behavior of Cellular Beams Protected With Intumescent Coatings.
    Manchester Centre for Civil and Construction Engineering, Manchester, UK
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 39, No. 8, 689-709, November 2004

  • Bailey, C.
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    Structured Debate.
    Fire Engineers Journal, Vol. 65, No. 260 / Fire Prevention, No. 396, 27-30, September 2005

  • Ellobody, E.; Bailey, C.
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    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Post-Tensioned Unbonded Concrete Slabs in Fire.
    Tanta Univ., Egypt; Manchester Univ., UK
    Volume 1,
    Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 1. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 617-628 p., 2007

  • Ellobody, E.; Bailey, C.
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    Holistic Behavior of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors Under Fire Conditions.
    Manchester Univ., UK; Tanta Univ., Egypt
    Fire and Materials 2009. 11th International Conference. Conference Papers. Proceedings. Organised by Interscience Communications Limited. January 26-28, 2009, Interscience Communications Limited, London, England, San Francisco, CA, 2009

  • Dai, X.; Wang, Y.; Bailey, C.
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    Simple Method to Predict Temperatures in Steel Joints with Partial Intumescent Coating Fire Protection.
    University of Manchester, Pariser Building, Manchester, UK
    Fire Technology, Vol. 46, No. 1, 19-35, January 2010