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Bamert, E.
view article (1.0)Evaluation du risque d'Incendie et Mesusres de Protection Inherentes.Service de Prevention d'Incendie pour, Zurich, SwitzerlandCIB Publication 48,Conseil International du Batiment (CIB). Fire Safety in Buildings: Needs and Criteria. Final Report. CIB Proceedings Publication 48. June 2-3, 1977, Amsterdam, Holland, 112-119 p., 1977Bamert, E.
view article (1.0)Occupant Safety Hazards--Responsibilities of Management.Brand-Verhutungs-Dienst fur Industrie und Gewerbe, Zurich, SwitzerlandConference of Fire Protection Associations Europe. International Fire Protection Conference. April/May 1975, Amsterdam, 25-29 p., 1975Bamert, E.
view article (1.0)Feuer bei moebeln in gebaeuden und transporteinrichtungen. [Position of the Authorities--Insurers.]European Commission DG 3, EGOLF and CFPA Europe. Fire and Furnishing in Buildings and Transport. November 6-8, 1990, Luxembourg, Belgium, 1-7 p., 1990Bamert, E.
view article (1.0)Introduction dans le theme du congres "concepts bases sur les performances". [Introduction to the Main Topic of the Conference "Performance Based Concepts".]Sicherheitsinstitut, Zurich, SwitzerlandPaper 2,Institut de Securite. Fire Safety Conference on Performance Based Concepts. Proceedings. October 15-17, 1996, Zurich, Switzerland, 2/1-7 p., 1996