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Blouch, J. D.; Law, C. K.
view article (1.0)Effects of Turbulence on Nonpremixed Ignition of Hydrogen in Heated Counterflow.Princeton University, Princeton, NJCombustion and Flame, Vol. 132, No. 3, 512-522, February 2003Zheng, X. L.; Blouch, J. D.; Zhu, D. L.; Kreutz, T. G.; Law, C. K.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Premixed Hydrogen/Air by Heated Counterflow.Princeton Univ., NJCombustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 2. July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 1637-1643 p., 2002Blouch, J. D.; Chen, J. Y.; Law, C. K.
view article (1.0)Joint Scalar PDF Study of Nonpremixed Hydrogen Ignition.Princeton Univ., NJ; California Univ., BerkeleyCombustion and Flame, Vol. 135, No. 3, 209-225, November 2003