FireDOC Search

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  • Muller, U. C.; Bollig, M.; Peters, N.
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    Approximations for Burning Velocities and Markstein Numbers for Lean Hydrocarbon and Methanol Flames.
    Institute fur Technische Mechanik, Aachen, Germany
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 108, No. 3, 349-356, February 1996

  • Seshadri, K.; Bollig, M.; Peters, N.
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    Numerical and Asymptotic Studies of the Structure of Stoichiometric and Lean Premixed Heptane Flames.
    Institut fur Technische Mechanik, Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 109, No. 3, 518-536, 1997

  • Bollig, M.; Linan, A.; Sanchez, A. L.; Williams, F. A.
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    Simplified Approach to the Numerical Description of Methane-Air Diffusion Flames.
    Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain; Area de Mecanica de Fluidos, Leganes, Spain; University of California, San Diego, La Jolla
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 27th. Proceedings. Volume 1. August 2-7, 1998, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Boulder CO, 595-603 p., 1998