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Bonsignore, P. V.; Manhart, J. H.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate as a Flame Retardant and Smoke Suppressive Filler in Reinforced Polyester Plastics.Alcoa Labs., Alcoa Center, PASociety of the Plastics Industry, Inc. Reinforced Plastics/Composites Institute. Annual Technical Conference, 29th. February 5-8, 1974., Washington, DC, 23C 1-8 p., 1974Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate as a Flame Retardant Filler for Flexible Vinyl Compounds.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Life and Property Protection. Semi-Annual Meeting. October 30-November 2, 1977, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Westport, CT, Chicago, IL, 358 p., 1977Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate as a Flame Retardant Filler for Flexible Vinyl Compounds.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Life and Property Protection. Semi-Annual Meeting. October 30-November 2, 1977, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Westport, CT, Chicago, IL, 253-259 p., 1977Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate as a Component of Flame Retardant Coating Systems for Cellulosic Materials.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Life and Property Protection. Semi-Annual Meeting. October 30-November 2, 1977, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Westport, CT, Chicago, IL, 319-330 p., 1977Bonsignore, P. V.; Hsieh, H. P.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate and Other Inorganic Flame Retardant Additives for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyester Plastics.Alcoa Labs., Alcoa Center, PAFire Retardant Chemicals Association and Society of Plastics Engineers. Problems and Solutions--A Conference/Workshop. March 12-15, 1978, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Westport, CT, Houston, TX, 101-127 p., 1978Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)Fire Retardant Inorganic Additives and Fillers for Flexible PVC.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PASociety of Plastics Engineers, Inc. PVC Flammability Minitec. January 19, 1977, Saddlebrook, NJ, 22-33 p., 1977Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)New Flame-Retardant Microfiber Reinforcement for Thermoplastics.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAPlastics Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 10, 41-43, October 1976Bonsignore, P. V.; Levendusky, T. L.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate as a Flame Retardant and Smoke Suppressive Filler in Rigid High Density Polyurethane Foams.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAJournal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 8, 95-114, January 1977Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)Flame Retardant Flexible Polyurethane Foam by Post-Treatment With Alumina Trihydrate/Latex Binder Dispersion Systems.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAJournal of Cellular Plastics, Vol. 15, No. 3, 163-179, Nay/June 1979Bonsignore, P. V.
view article (1.0)Alumina Trihydrate as a Flame Retardant for Polyurethane Foams.Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, PAJournal of Cellular Plastics, Vol. 17, No. 4, 220-228, July/August 1981