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Luck, H. O.; Brockmann, T.; Schlossarek, U.
view article (1.0)New Technologies in Automatic Detector and Suppression.Duisburg Univ., West GermanyNew Technology to Reduce Fire Losses and Costs. October 2-3, 1986, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, NY, Luxembourg, Grayson, S. J.; Smith, D. A., Editors, 211-226 p., 1986Luck, H. O.; Schlossarek, U.; Brockmann, T.
view article (1.0)Software Based Fire Detection.Duisburg Univ., GermanyGepipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet. International Symposium on Fire Protection of Buildings, 3rd. May 10-12, 1990, Eger, Hungary, Banky, T.; Kovacs, B. D., Editors, 117-127 p., 1990