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  • Campbell, A. N.; Cardoso, S. S. S.; Hayhurst, A. N.
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    Oscillatory and Nonoscillatory Behavior of a Simple Model for Cool Flames, Sal'nikov's Reaction, P --> A --> B, Occurring in a Spherical Batch Reactor With Varying Intensities of Natural Convection.
    Cambridge Univ., CB2 3RA, UK
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 154, No. 1/2, 122-142, July 2008

  • Liu, T. Y.; Campbell, A. N.; Hayhurst, A. N.; Cardoso, S. S. S.
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    On the Occurrence of Thermal Explosion in a Reacting Gas: The Effects of Natural Convection and Consumption of Reactant.
    University of Cambridge, Pembroke St., Cambridge CB2 3RA, UK
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 157, No. 2, 230-239, February 2010