FireDOC Search

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  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Fire Department Perspective on Smoke Control. Part 2.
    New York City Fire Department, NY
    Fire Command, Vol. 52, No. 10, 26, 31, October 1985

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Fire Department Perspective on Smoke Control. Part 1.
    New York City Fire Dept., NY
    Fire Command, Vol. 52, No. 9, 26-28, September 1985

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    HVAC...and the Fire Chief.
    New York City Fire Dept.
    Fire Service Today, Vol. 50, No. '11, 23-26, November 1983

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    More on High Rise Tactics: Elevator Use.
    New York City Fire Dept.
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 11, 43-45, November 1988

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Smoke Detector Selection and Use.
    New York Fire Dept.
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 10, 54-55, October 1978

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Utilization of Elevators During Fire Emergencies.
    Nassau County Fire Academy, New York
    NIST SP 983,
    Collected Publications Related to the Use of Elevators During Fires. NIST SP 983. May 2002, Bukowski, R. W.; Burgess, S. R.; Reneke, P. A., Editors, 2002. AND American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Council of American Building Officials and National Fire Protection Association. Elevators and Fire. February 19-20, 1991, Baltimore, MD, 8-15 pp, 1991, ['2002', '1991']

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Commentary: The Need to Integrate Smoke and Fire Management Systems.
    New York City Fire Dept., New York
    Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, 185-199, 1990/1991

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Elevator Design for the 21st Century: Design Criteria for Elevators When Used as the Primary Means of Evacuation During Fire Emergencies.
    New York City Fire Dept., NY
    Journal of Applied Science, Vol. 1, No. 4, 339-347, 1990-1991
    NIST SP 983,
    Collected Publications Related to the Use of Elevators During Fires. NIST SP 983. May 2002, Bukowski, R. W.; Burgess, S. R.; Reneke, P. A., Editors, 2002 AND American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Elevators, Fire and Accessibility, 2nd Symposium. Proceedings. April 19-21, 1995, Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 157-162 pp, 1995, ['2002', '1995', '1991']

  • Chapman, E. F.
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    Guidelines for Strategic Decision Making at High-Rise Fires.
    Nassau County Fire Academy, NY
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 148, No. 9, 67-70, September 1995

  • Chapman, E. F.; Kush, E.
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    Thoughts on the Twin Towers Collapse.
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 159, No. 1, 204-206, January 2006