FireDOC Search

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  • Malet, J. C.; Casselman, C.; Charpenel, J.; Dufresne, J.; Duvergerdecuy, J.; Pinto, P. L.; Rzekiecki, R.; Herault, A.
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    French Position Paper on Sodium Fires, Design and Testing.
    Centre detudes nuclearies de Cadarache, St-Paul-lex-Durance, France; Centre detudes nuclearies de Fontenay-aux-Roses, France; Novatome, Le Plessis Robinson, France
    International Atomic Energy Agency. Sodium Fires, Design and Testing Specialist Meeting. Summary Report. May 22-28, 1982, Richland, WA, 23-33 p., 1982

  • Zhang, X. L.; Vantelon, J. P.; Charpenel, J.; Malet, J. C.
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    Study of the Radiative Exchanges During a Sodium Jet Fire Developed in a Large Scale Cylindrical Enclosure.
    Poitiers Univ., France; CEN Cadarache, Cedex, France
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 15, No. 6, 451-469, 1989