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Cicchetti, O.; Fontanelli, R.; Pagliari, A.
view article (1.0)Advances in the Field of Intumescent Halogen-Free Flame Retardants for Polymers.Montefluos SpA, Milano, ItalyPlastics & Rubber Inst. and British Plastics Federation. Flame Retardants 1985. 2nd Intl. Conf. November 28-29, 1985., London, England, 13/1-15 p., 1985Cicchetti, O.; Pacliari, A.; Bevilacqua, A.
view article (1.0)Progress in Intumescent Technology Based on Spinflam(R) Flame Retardants.Montefluos S.p.A., Milano, ItalyPlastics and Rubber Institute AND British Plastics Federation. Flame Retardants 1990. International Conference, 4th. January 17-18, 1990, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, London, England, 53-66 p., 1990Cicchetti, O.; Pagliari, A.; Camino, G.
view article (1.0)Progress in Polymers Fire Retardancy Technology: Intumescent Halogen-Free Flame Retardants.Montefluos S.p.A., Milan, Italy; Turin Univ., ItalyChina Ordnance Society. International Symposium on Flame Retardants Proceedings. November 1-5, 1989, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, Yuxiang, O. and Minxiu, Z., Editors, 43-48 p., 1989Bertelli, G.; Braca, G.; Cicchetti, O.; Pagliari, A.
view article (1.0)New Flame Retardant Technologies and Fire Safety Perspectives.Himont, Milano, ItalyFire Retardant Chemicals Association. International Conference on Fire Safety. Spring Conference, 1993. March 21-24, 1993, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, New Orleans, LA, 167-189 p., 1993Pagliari, A.; Cicchetti, O.; Bevilacqua, A.; VanHees, P.
view article (1.0)Intumescent Flame Retardants: New Evidence of Their Higher Fire Safety.Himont Inc., Milano, Italy; Rijksuniversiteit-Gent, BelgiumPlastics and Rubber Institute AND British Plastics Federation. Flame Retardants '92. International Conference, 5th. January 22-23, 1992, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, London, England, 41-52 p., 1992Cicchetti, O.; Bertelli, G.; Bevilacqua, A.; Cipolli, R.; Pagliari, A.
view article (1.0)Advances in Intumescent Flame Retardant Additive Technology.Himont, Milano, ItalyBritish Plastics Federation AND Institute of Materials. Flame Retardants '94. International Conference, 6th. January 26-27, 1994, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 129-142 p., 1994