displaying 1 - 3 results in total 3
Dey, M.; Azarm, M. A.; Travis, R.; Martinez-Guridi, G.; Levine, R. S.
view article (1.0)Technical Review of Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Methods for Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection Analyses. Draft Report for Comment.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC; Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NYNUREG-1521, July 1998, 197 p.Dey, M.
view article (1.0)Proposed International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DCNUREG/CP-0170,International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of Planning Meeting. Proceedings. NUREG/CP-0170. Sponsored by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. October 25-26, 1999, College Park, MD, Dey, M., Editors, 1-11 p., 1999Dey, M.
view article (1.0)Proposal for Full-Scale Tests and Blind Validation Exercises.NISTIR 6986, September 2003, 569 p.International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of 5th Meeting. APPENDIX D. View Graphs Used for Presentations: Future Tasks and Benchmark Exercises. May 2-3, 2002, Gaithersburg, MD, D/325-330 p., 2003