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Dyer, R. F.
view article (1.0)Effects Upon Fire Fighters After Exposure to the Products of Decomposition of Polyvinyl Chloride.Board of Police and Fire Surgeons, Washington, DCJohn P. Redmond Memorial Fund, International Association of Fire Fighters and National Fire Prevention and Control Administration. Occupational Health and Hazards of the Fire Service, 4th Symposium. Proceedings. April 17-19, 1977, Intl. Assoc. of Fire Fighters, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 41-43 p., 1978Dyer, R. F.
view article (1.0)Toxic Hazards of Building Contents.Police and Fire Clinic, Washington, DCFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Toxicity and the Products of Combustion. 4th Annual Meeting. March 20-23, 1977, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 48A-68 p., 1977Dyer, R. F.
view article (1.0)Plastic Poison.Police and Fire Clinic, Washington, DCFirehouse, Vol. 1, 28,30-31, November/December 1976Dyer, R. F.; Esch, V. H.
view article (1.0)Polyvinyl Chloride Toxicity in Fires--Hydrogen Chloride Toxicity in Fire Fighters.Police and Firemens Clinic, Washington, DCJAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 235, No. 4, 393-397, January 26, 1976