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  • Dynes, R. R.; Quarantelli, E. L.
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    Organisational Communications and Decision Making in Crises. Final Report. December 1, 1974-March 31, 1976.
    Ohio State Univ., Columbus
    Department of the Navy, Arlington, VA, DRC Misc. 18; ARPA Project 2851; Program Code 5W10, May 1976, 61 p.

  • Dynes, R. R.
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    Finding Order in Disorder: Continuities in the 9-11 Response .
    Delaware Univ., Newark
    International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Vol. 21, No. 3, 9-23, November 2003

  • Dynes, R. R.; Quarantelli, E. L.
    view article (1.0)

    Helping Behavior in Large-Scale Disasters.
    Participation in Social and Political Activities. Chapter 15, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA, Smith, D. H.; Macaulay, J., Editors, 339-354 p., 1980

  • Quarantelli, E. L.; Dynes, R. R.
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    Images of Disaster Behavior: Myths and Consequences.
    Preliminary Paper 5, 1972, 49 p.

  • Dynes, R. R.; DeMarchi, B.; Pelanda, C.
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    Sociology of Disasters: Contribution of Sociology to Disaster Research.
    Sociology of Disasters: Contribution of Sociology to Disaster Research, Franco Angeli Libris s.r.l., Milano, Italy, Dynes, R. R.; DeMarchi, B.; Pelanda, C., Editors, 1987

  • Dynes, R. R.
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    Concept of Role in Disaster Research.
    Sociology of Disasters: Contribution of Sociology to Disaster Research, Franco Angeli Libris s.r.l., Milano, Italy, Dynes, R. R.; DeMarchi, B.; Pelanda, C., Editors, 71-102 p., 1987