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Yetter, R. A.; Saito, K.; Emorl, R. I.
view article (1.0)On the Role of Sensitivity Analysis in Scale Model Development and Evaluation.Princeton Univ., NJ; Kentucky Univ., Lexington; Seikei Univ., Tokyo, JapanNational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Paper 5,National Bureau of Standards. Final Report. Volume 1. Papers Presented at Conferences and Submitted for Publication. Volume 2. Experimental Developments in the Combustion of Crude Oils. August 1, 1987-December 15, 1988, Saito, K. Editor(s), 186 pp, 1988 AND Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. International Symposium on Scale Modeling. July 18-22, 1988, Tokyo, Japan, 381-388 pp, 1988.,