FireDOC Search

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  • Guyot, A.; Bert, M.; Michel, A.; Lemaure, G.; Fallou, B.; Glomeau,G.
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    Smoke Evolution in PVC-Sheathed Cables: Comparison Between Laboaratory and Seminatural Scale Test.
    CNRS, Vernaison, France; Societe Silec, Montereau, France; Laboratorire Central des Industries Electriuqes, Fontenay Aux Roses, France
    Journal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 13, 135-141, April 1982

  • Fallou, B.
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    IEC Activity Related to Corrosivity and Other Effects of Fire Effluents.
    Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques, Fontenay aux Roses, France
    U.S. National Committee/IEC,
    Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Fire Hazard Assessment of Electrical Equipment. Session 3. ACOS Workshop 2. April 11-12, 1988, 1-49 p., 1988