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  • House, W.; Frock, W.; Welch, R. O.
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    Evaluation of Current Packaging Materials Used Aboard Ship and Recommendations for Reducing Their Flammability and Combustion Toxicity. Volume 1. Flammability. Final Report.
    Midwest Research Inst., Kansas City, MO
    Department of the Navy, Washington, DC, MRI Project 2044-T, March 5, 1982, 163 p.

  • House, W.; Frock, W.; Welch, R. O.
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    Evaluation of Current Packaging Materials Used Aboard Ship and Recommendations for Reducing Their Flammability and Combustion Toxicity. Volume 2. Toxicological Considerations. Final Report.
    Midwest Research Inst., Kansas City, MO
    Department of the Navy, Washington, DC, MRI Project 2044-T, March 5, 1982, 171 p.