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Leonard, J. T.; Fulper, C. R.; Darwin, R. L.; Burns, R. E.; Ouellette, R. J.; Back, G. G.; Saams, J. R.
view article (1.0)Overheat Thru-Deck Fire Fighting Tests.Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC; Hughes Associates, Inc., Wheaton, MDNaval Research Lab., Washington, DC, NRL Memorandum 5910, January 29, 1987, 22 p.Fulper, C. R.; Gipe, R. L.; Whitehurst, C. L.; Burns, R. E.; Ouellette, R. J.; Seiemann, C. W.
view article (1.0)FP-180 Water Motor AFFF Proportioner First Article Procedure and Evaluation. Interim Report. August 1986-February 1987.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL-MR-6507, July 20, 1989, 20 p.DiNenno, P. J.; Forssell, E. W.; Back, G. G., III; Ouellette, R. J.; Fulper, C. R.; Carhart, H. W.
view article (1.0)Shipboard Tests of Halon 1301 Test Gas Simulants. February 1989-September 1989.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL Memorandum Report 6708, August 22, 1990, 113 p.Scheffey, J. L.; Siegmann, C. W.; Quellette, R. J.; Leonard, J. T.; Fulper, C. R.; Darwin, R. L.
view article (1.0)Comparative Analysis of File Forming Fluoroprotein Foam (FFFP) and Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) for Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Services.Hughes Associates, Inc., Wheaton, MD; Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC; Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DCReport 2108-A01-90, June 1990, 104 p.Leonard, J. T.; Fulper, C. R.; Darwin, R. L.; Back, G. G.; Scheffey, J. L.; Willard, R. L.; DiNenno, P. J.; Steel, J. S.; Ouellette, R. J.; Beyler, C. L.
view article (1.0)Post-Flashover Fires in Simulated Shipboard Compartments. Phase 1. Small Scale Studies.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC; Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC; Hughes Associates, Inc., Wheaton, MDNaval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, NRL Memorandum 6886, September 3, 1991, 169 p.Leonard, J. T.; Fulper, C. R.; Darwin, R. L.; Farmer, K. R.; Boyer, L.; Burns, R. E.; Back, g. G.; Hayes, E. D.; Ouellette, R. J.
view article (1.0)Project HULVUL: Propellant Fires in a Shipboard Compartment.Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC; Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC; Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA; Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MDNRL Report 9363, November 29, 1991, 58 p.Leonard, J. T.; Fulper, C. R.; Darwin, R. L.; Back, G. G.; Quellette, R. J.; Scheffey, J. L.; Willard, R. L.
view article (1.0)Post-Flashover Fires in Simulated Shipboard Compartments. Phase 2. Cooling of Fire Compartment Boundaries.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC; Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC; Hughes Associates, Inc., Wheaton, MDNRL Memorandum 6896, September 19, 1991, 44 p.Leonard, J. T.; Fulper, C. R.; Darwin, R.; Back, G. G.; Burns, R. E.; Ouelette, R.
view article (1.0)Fire Hazards of Mixed Fuels on the Flight Deck.Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC; Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MDNRL/MR-6180-6975, April 28, 1992, 29 p.