FireDOC Search

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  • Cabioch, F.; Garo, J. P.
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    Last French Experiments in Order to Evaluate the Burning Possibilities of Three Water in Oil Emulsions.
    C.E.D.R.E, Brest, France; Universite de Poitiers, France
    NIST SP 995; Volume 2, March 2003,
    Environment Canada. Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, 16th. Volume 2. June 7-9, 1993, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 823-832 p., ['1993', '2003']

  • Garo, J. P.; Vantelon, J. P.; Fernandez-Pello, A. C.
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    Boilover Burning of Oil Spilled on Water.
    Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et d'Aerotechnique, Cedex, France
    Combustion Institute. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 25th. Proceedings. July 31-August 5, 1994, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Irvine, CA, 1481-1488 p., 1994

  • Gandhi, S.; Torero, J. L.; Garo, J. P.; Vantelon, J. P.
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    Pre-Boilover Burning of a Slick of Oil on Water.
    Maryland Univ., College Park; ENSMA-Universite de Poitiers, Cedex, France
    NISTIR 5904, October 1996,
    National Institute of Standards and Technology. Annual Conference on Fire Research: Book of Abstracts. October 28-31, 1996, Gaithersburg, MD, 35-36 p., 1996

  • Garo, J. P.; Vantelon, J. P.; Fernandez-Pello, A. C.
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    Effect of the Fuel Boiling Point on the Boilover Burning of Liquid Fuels Spilled on Water.
    University of Poitiers, Cedex, France; California Univ., Berkeley
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 26th. Proceedings. Volume 1. July 28-August 2, 1996, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Napoli, Italy, 1460-1467 p., 1996

  • Garo, J. P.; Vantelon, J. P.; Souil, J. M.; Breillat, C.
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    Thin Layer Boilover of Spilled Oil: Effects of Aging and Water Content.
    Universite de Poitiers, Cedex, France
    Session I; Special Hazards 2,
    European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, First (1st). ABSTRACTS. Proceedings. Session I. Special Hazards 2. August 21-23, 1995, Zurich, Switzerland, I-19/55-56 p., 1995

  • Garo, J. P.; Gillard, P.; Vantelon, J. P.; Fernandez-Pello, A. C.
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    On the Thin Layer Boilover.
    University of Poitiers, France; California Univ., Berkeley
    Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Sixth (6th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). July 5-9, 1999, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Poitiers, France, Curtat, M., Editors, 579-590 p., 2000

  • Richard, J.; Garo, J. P.; Souil, M. M.; Vantelon, J. P.; Knorre, V. G.
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    Chemical and Physical Effects of Water Vapor Additon on Diffusion Flames.
    University of Poitiers, Cedex, France; Moscow State Technical University MADI, Moscow, Russia
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 38, No. 6, 569-587, October 2003

  • Richard, J.; Garo, J. P.; Souil, J. M.; Vantelon, J. P.
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    On the Determination of Soot and Droplet Concentration and Velocity Fields During the Addition of a Water Mist on a Liquid Pool Fire at Laboratory Scale.
    Ecole Nationale Suprieure de Mcanique et dArotechnique, Cedex, France
    Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). June 16-21, 2003, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Worcester, MA, Evans, D. D., Editors, 507-518 p., 2003

  • Richard, J.; Garo, J. P.; Souil, J. M.; Vantelon, J. P.; Lemonnier, D.
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    Addition of a Water Mist on a Small-Scale Liquid Pool Fire: Effect on Radiant Heat Transfer at the Surface.
    University of Poitiers, Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 1. July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 377-384 p., 2002

  • Thibert, E.; Gautier, B.; Garo, J. P.; Vantelon, J. P.
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    External Heating of Electric Cables: Numerical Simulation and Autoignition Investigation.
    EDF Research and Development Division, Chatou, France; Poitiers Univ., Cedex, France
    Volume 2,
    Interflam 2004. (Interflam '04). International Interflam Conference, 10th Proceedings. Volume 2. July 5-7, 2004. Organised by Interscience Communications Ltd. in association with National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building Research Establishment; National Fire Protection Association; Society of Fire Protection Engineers; and Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Edinburgh, Scotland, 973-983 p., 2004