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Zhou, X.; Torero, J. L.; Goudeau, J. C.; Bregeon, B.
view article (1.0)On the Ignition and Propagation of a Reaction Front in a Solid Combustible: Application to Mixtures of Plastics, Wood and Cardboard.Universite de Poitiers, Mignaloux-Beauvoir, FranceCombustion Institute. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 25th. Proceedings. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Session Presentations. Work-in-Poster Session 4. Paper 32. July 31-August 5, 1994, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Irvine, CA, 318 p., 1994Rogaume, T.; Auzanneau, M.; Jabouille, F.; Goudeau, J. C.; Torero, J. L.
view article (1.0)Computational Model to Investigate the Effect of Different Airflows on the Formation of Pollutants During Waste Incieration.ENSMA, Futuroscope Cedex, France; Edinburgh Univ., ScotlandCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 175, No. 8, 1501-1533, August 2003