displaying 1 - 4 results in total 4
Grassie, N.
view article (1.0)Thermal Degradation of Polymers. Final Scientific Report.Glasgow Univ., ScotlandAir Force Materials Lab., AD-642389, September 30, 1965, 64 p.Camino, G.; Grassie, N.; McNeill, I. C.
view article (1.0)Influence of the Fire Retardant, Ammonium Polyphosphate, on the Thermal Degradation of Poly(methyl Methacrylate).Glasgow Univ., EnglandJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition, Vol. 16, 95-106, 1978Grassie, N.
view article (1.0)Pyrolysis of Acrylonitrile Homopolymers and Copolymers.Glasgow Univ., UK[title unknown], Applied Science Publishers Ltd., Exxex, England, 137-169 p., 1977Grassie, N.; Johnston, A.; Scotney, A.
view article (1.0)Thermal Degradation of Bromine-Containing Polymers. Part 6. An Equimolar Copolymer of 2-Bromoethyl Methacrylate and Acrylonitrile.Glasgow Univ., ScotlandPolymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 4, No. 3, 173-182, May 1982