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  • Kurabuchi, T.; Fang, J. B.; Grot, R. A.
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    Numerical Method for Calculating Indoor Air Flows Using a Turbulence Model.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    NISTIR 89-4211, January 1990, 122 p.

  • Fang, J. B.; Grot, R. A.
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    Evaluation of Thermal Bridges Using a Mobile Test Facility.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Department of Energy, Washington, DC, NISTIR 90-4258, March 1990, 34 p.

  • Grot, R. A.
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    User Manual NBSAVIS CONTAM88.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC; Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, NISTIR 4585, June 1991, 149 p.

  • Grot, R. A.; Hodgson, A. T.; Daisey, J. M.; Persily, A. K.
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    Indoor Air Quality Evaluation of a New Office Building.
    Lagus Applied Technology, Olney, MD; Lawrence Livermore Lab., CA; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    ASHRAE Transactions, 16-18,20,23-25, 1991

  • Grot, R. A.; Mitchell, D. J.; Schaefgen, J. R.; Chao, A. C.; Kuklewicz, M. E.
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    Guidelines for Evaluation of a MIUS Demonstration.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, NBSIR 78-1563, December 1978,

  • Grot, R. A.; Galowin, L. S.
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    Preliminary Data on the Field Performance of Storage-Type Residential Water Heaters.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    NBSIR 78-1496, April 1979,

  • Grot, R. A.
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    Low-Cost Method for Measuring Air Infiltration Rates in a Large Sample of Dwellings.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    Community Services Administration, Washington, DC, NBSIR 79-1728, April 1979,

  • Chang, Y. M. L.; Grot, R. A.
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    Field Performance of Residential Refrigerators and Combination Refrigerator-Freezers.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    NBSIR 79-1781, July 1979,

  • Chang, Y. M. L.; Grot, R. A.
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    Energy Consumption and Usage Characteristics from Field Measurements of Residential Dishwashers, Clothes Washers and Clothes Dryers.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    NBSIR 80-2136, October 1980,

  • Chang, Y. M. L.; Grot, R. A.
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    Quality of Inspections Utilizing Infrared Technology on Weatherization Retrofit Installations.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    Department of Energy, Washington, DC, NBSIR 82-2510, November 1982,