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  • Hanauska, C. P.
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    Coping With the Halon 1301 Production Phase-Out.
    Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MD
    SFPE Bulletin, 9-12, September/October 1993

  • Hanauska, C. P.; Back, G. G.
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    Halons: Alternative Fire Protection Systems - An Overview of Water Mist Fire Suppression System Technology
    Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MD
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environment Canada and United National Environmental Program. International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, 1993. Stratospheric Ozone Protection for the 90's. October 20-22, 1993, Washington, DC, 820-829 p., 1993

  • Forssell, E. W.; Hanauska, C. P.; Ferreira, M. J.; DiNenno, P. J.; Johnson, B. A.
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    Predicting the Two-Phase Flow Properties of Halon Replacement Agents.
    Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MD
    SFPE Bulletin, 10-16, Summer 1994

  • DiNenno, P. J.; Hanauska, C. P.
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    Design Issues for Halon Replacement Systems.
    Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MD
    Society of Fire Protection Engineers and PLC Education Foundation. Technical Symposium on Halon Alternatives, Proceedings. June 27-28, 1994, Knoxville, TN, 9-15 p., 1994

  • Darwin, R. L.; Ottman, R. E.; Norman, E. C.; Gott, J. E.; Hanauska, C. P.
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    Foam and the Environments: A Delicate Balance.
    Department of the Navy, Washington, DC; 3M Specialty Chemicals Div., St. Paul, MN; Aqueios Foam Technology, Chester Springs, PA; Department of the Navy, Alexandria, VA; Hughes Associates, Inc., Oakdale, MN
    NFPA Journal, Vol. 59, No. 3, 67-69,71,73, May/June 1995

  • Lattimer, B. Y.; Hanauska, C. P.; Scheffey, J. L.; Williams, F. W.
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    Use of Small-Scale Test Data to Characterize Some Aspects of Fire Fighting Foam for Suppression Modeling.
    Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD; Navy Technology Center for Safety and Survivability
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2, 117-146, March 2003