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  • Shinichiro, K.; Kazushige, K.; Tsuneo, T.; Kenji, T.
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    Studies on Production of Nanocomposites of Polyamide 6 With Expandable Synthetic Mica(NaMg2.5Si4O1052). Part 2. High Dispersion of Synthetic Mica in Polyamide 6 matrix Through Hydrolysis of .EPSILON.-Caprolactam With Acid.
    Kobunshi Ronbunshu, Vol. 55, No. 2, 90-95, 1998

  • Kenji, Y.; Kazushige, K.; Koji, F.
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    Characteristics and Applications of Nylon Based Nano Composites.
    Unitika Ltd., Japan
    Kobunshi Gakkai Purasuchikku Zairyo Kogaku Kenkyukai Koza, Vol. 35, 27-33, 1997