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Maref, W.; Kumaran, K.; Lacasse, M. A.; Swinton, M. C.; vanReenen, D.
view article (1.0)Laboratory Measurements and Benchmarking of an Advanced Hygrothermal Model.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioNRCC-43054,Heat Transfer Conference, 12th International. Proceedings. August 18-23, 2002, Grenoble, France, 117-122 p., 2002Maref, W.; Lacasse, M. A.; Kumaran, K.; Swinton, M. C.
view article (1.0)Benchmarking of the Advanced Hygrothermal Model-hygIRC With Mid Scale Experiments.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioNRCC-43970,eSim 2002 Proceedings. September 11-13, 2002, Montreal, Canada, 171-176 p., 2002Mukhopadhyaya, P.; Kumaran, K.; Normandin, N.; Goudreau, P.
view article (1.0)Effect of Surface Temperature on Water Absorption Coefficient of Building Materials.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioJournal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science, Vol. 26, No. 2, 179-195, October 2002NRCC-45369,Beaulieu, P.; Bomberg, M.; Cornick, S.; Dalgliesh, A.; Desmarais, G.; Djebbar, R.; Kumaran, K.; Lacasse, M.; Lackey, J.; Maref, W.; Mukhopadhyaya, P.; Nofal, M.; Normandin, N.; Nicholls, M.; O'Connor, T.; Quirt, D.; Rousseau, M.; Said, N.; Swinton, M.; Tariku, F.; van Reenen, D.
view article (1.0)Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project - MEWS Methodology for Developing Moisture Management Strategies - Application to Stucco Clad Wood-Frame Walls in North America.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioIRC-RR-112, October 2002, 14 p.Beaulieu, P.; Bomberg, M.; Cornick, S.; Dalgliesh, A.; Desmarais, G.; Djebbar, R.; Kumaran, K.; Lacasse, M.; Lackey, J.; Maref, W.; Mukhopadhyaya, P.; Nofal, M.; Normandin, N.; Nicholls, M.; O'Connor, T.; Quirt, D.; Rousseau, M.; Said, N.; Swinton, M.; Tariku, F.; van Reenen, D.
view article (1.0)Final Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project (T8-03) - Hygrothermal Response of Exterior Wall Systems to Climate Loading: Methodology and Interpretation of Results for Stucco, EIFS, Masonry and Siding Clad Wood-Frame Walls.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioIRC-RR-118, November 2002, 183 p.Mukhopadhyaya, P.; Kumaran, K.; vanReenen, D.
view article (1.0)Vapour Barrier and Moisture Response of Wood-Frame Stucco Wall: Results from Hygrothermal Simulation.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioNRCC-46864,CIB World Building Congress 2004. Proceedings. May 2-7, 2004, Toronto, Canada, 1-10 p., 2004Mukhopadhyaya, P.; Kumaran, K.; vanReenen, D.; Tariku, F.
view article (1.0)Application of Modeling Tool to Assess Moisture and Thermal Performance of Retrofitted Wall Assemblies.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioNRCC-46869,CIB World Building Congress 2004. Proceedings. May 2-7, 2004, Toronto, Canada, 1-10 p., 2004Kumaran, K.; Shet, U. S. P.
view article (1.0)Effect of Swirl on Lean Flame Limits of Pilot-Stabilized Open Premixed Turbulent Flames. Brief Communication.Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, IndiaCombustion and Flame, Vol. 150, No. 1/2, 391-395, October 2007Kumaran, K.; Babu, V.
view article (1.0)Investigation of the Effect of Chemistry Models on the Numerical Predictions of the Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen.Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, IndiaCombustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 4, 826-841, April 2009