FireDOC Search

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  • Lee, D. N.
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    Emergency Lighting: A New Direction.
    Lascon Lighting Industries, Ltd., South Africa
    Fire Protection, Vol. 12, No. 4, 14-17, December 1985

  • Tal, R.; Lee, D. N.; Sirignano, W. A.
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    Heat and Momentum Transfer Around a Pair of Spheres in Viscous Flow.
    Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA
    International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 27, No. 11, 1953-1962, 1984

  • Aggarwal, S. K.; Fix, G. J.; Lee, D. N.; Sirignano, W. A.
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    Numerical Optimization Studies of Axisymmetric Unsteady Sprays.
    Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA
    Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 50, No. 1, 101-115, April 1983

  • Thau, R. T.; Lee, D. N.; Sirignano, W. A.
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    Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in Sphere Assemblages: Multisphere Cylindrical Cell Models.
    Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 20th. January 11-14, 1982., Orlando, FL, 9 p., 1982