FireDOC Search

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  • Delobel, R.; Ouassou, N.; LeBras, M.; Leroy, J. M.
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    Fire Retardance of Polypropylene: Action of Diammonium Pyrophosphate-Pentaerythritol Intumescent Mixture.
    Laboratoire de Physiochimie des Solides, Cedex, France
    Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 23, 349-357, 1989
    Fire Retardance of Polymers Conference, 2nd, 1989

  • Morice, L.; Bourbigot, S.; Leroy, J. M.
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    Etude des transferts thermiques dans un bouclier intumescent. Application aux systemes PP/APP-PER et PP/Hostaflam AP750. [Thermal Transfer Study in an Intumescent Shield. Application to Polypropylene/Polyphosphate of Ammonia/Pentaerythritol and Polypropylene/Hostaflam AP 750 Systems.]
    Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique et Physicochimie des Solides (LCAPS), Cedex, France
    Fire Retardanty of Polymeric Materials, 6th European Meeting. F.R.P.M. '97. Proceedings. Posters. LCAPS, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL) and Centre de Recherche et d'Etude sur les Procedes d'Ignifugation des Materlaux (CREPIM). September 25-26, 1997, Lille, France, Bourbigot, S.; LeBras, M.; Delobel, R., Editors, 45-46 p., 1997

  • Bourbigot, S.; Duquesne, S.; Leroy, J. M.
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    Modeling of Heat Transfer of a Polypropylene-Based Intumescent System During Combustion.
    Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France
    Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 1, 42-56, January/February 1999