FireDOC Search

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  • Levine, M. S.
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    Respirator Use and Protection From Exposure to Carbon Monoxide.
    Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD
    American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 40, 832-834, September 1979
    Toxic Exposures and Other Injuries to Firefighters and Fire Victims: Emergency Medical Management X474.7. January 22, 1981, San Francisco, CA, 72-74 p., 1981

  • Radford, E. P.; Levine, M. S.
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    Occupational Exposures to Carbon Monoxide in Baltimore Firefighters.
    Journal of Occupational Medicine, Vol. 18, No. 9, 628-632, September 1976

  • Levine, M. S.; Hohman, B.
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    Do Face Masks Provide Protection: Yes, According to This Study.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD
    Fire Journal, Vol. 72, No. 5, 52-55, September 1978

  • Levine, M. S.; Radford, E. P.
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    Fire Victims: Medical Outcomes and Demographic Characteristics.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD
    American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 67, No. 11, 1077-1080, November 1977

  • Levine, M. S.
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    Report on Studies of Exposures to the Fire Environment.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD
    John P. Redmond Memorial Fund; International Association of Fire Fighters; Washington University School of Medicine; St. Louis University School of Medicine; National Fire Prevention and Control Administration and National Bureau of Standards. Occupational Health and Hazards of the Fire Service, 3rd Symposium. February 24-27, 1975, St. Louis, MO, 7-10 p., 1975