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Makinen, H.; Smolander, J.; Vuorinen, H.
view article (1.0)Simulation of the Effect of Moisture Content in Underwear and on the Skin Surface on Steam Burns of Fire Fighters.Institute of Occupational Health, Vantaa, FinlandASTM STP 989,American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Performance of Protective Clothing. ASTM STP 989. International Symposium, 2nd. January 19-21, 1987, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Tampa, FL, Mansdorf, S. Z.; Sager, R.; Nielsen, A. P., Editors, 415-421 p., 1988Makinen, H.
view article (1.0)Effect of Wear and Laundering on Flame-Retardant Fabrics.Institute of Occupational Health, Vantaa, FinlandASTM STP 1133,American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Performance of Protective Clothing: Challenges for Developing Protective Clothing for the 1990s. Fourth (4th) Volume. ASTM STP 1133. June 18-20, 1991, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Montreal, Canada, McBriarty, J. P.; Henry, N. W., Editors, 754-765 p., 1991Makinen, H.; Ilmarinen, R.; Griefahn, B.; Kunemund, C.
view article (1.0)Physiological Comparison of Fire Fighter Turnout Suits With and Without a Microporous Membrane in the Heat.Institute of Occupational Health, Vantaa, Finland; University of Dortmund, GermanyASTM STP 1237; PCN 04-012370-55,Performance of Protective Clothing: Improvement Through Innovation. Fifth (5th) Volume. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM STP 1237. Proceedings. June 25-27, 1994, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, San Francisco, CA, Johnson, J. S.; Mansdorf, S. Z., Editors, 396-407 p., 1996