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Meneveau, C.
view article (1.0)Physics and Modeling of Small-Scale Turbulence for Large Eddy Simulation. BFRL Fire Research Seminar. VHS Video.Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MDVideo, May 26, 1998,Cerutti, S.; Meneveau, C.
view article (1.0)Intermittency and Relative Scaling of Subgrid-Scale Energy Dissipation in Isotropic Turbulence.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MDPhysics of Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 4, 928-937, April 1998O'Neil, J.; Meneveau, C.
view article (1.0)Subgrid-Scale Stresses and Their Modelling in a Turbulent Plane Wake.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MDJournal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 349, 253-293, 1997National Science Foundation, Washington, DC; Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC,Porte-Agel, F.; Meneveau, C.; Parlange, M. B.
view article (1.0)Some Basic Properties of the Surrogate Subgrid-Scale Heat Flux in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MDBoundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 88, 425-444, 1998Scotti, A.; Meneveau, C.; Lilly, D. K.
view article (1.0)Generalized Smagorinsky Model for Anisotropic Grids.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD; Oklahoma Univ., NormanPhysics of Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 9, 2306-2308, September 1993Scotti, A.; Meneveau, C.
view article (1.0)Fractal Model for Coarse-Grained Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MDPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 78, No. 5, 867-870, February 3, 1997Scotti, A.; Meneveau, C.; Fatica, M.
view article (1.0)Dynamic Smagorinsky Model on Anisotropic Grids.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD; Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, CAPhysics of Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 6, 1856-1858, June 1997Meneveau, C.; Lund, T. S.
view article (1.0)Dynamic Smagorinsky Model and Scale-Dependent Coefficients in the Viscous Range of Turbulence.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD; Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, CAPhysics of Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 12, 3932-3934, December 1997Meneveau, C.; Katz, J.
view article (1.0)Conditional Subgrid Force and Dissipation in Locally Isotropic and Strained Turbulence.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MDPhysics of Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 8, 2317-2329, August 1999Meneveau, C.; Katz, J.
view article (1.0)Dynamic Testing of Subgrid Models in Large Eddy Simulation Based on the Germano Identity.Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MDPhysics of Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, 245-247, February 1999