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  • Moritz, A. R.; Henriques, F. C., Jr.; Dutra, F. R.; Weisiger, J. R.
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    Studies of Thermal Injury. Part 4. An Exploration of the Casualty-Producing Attributes of Conflagartions; Local and Systemic Effects of General Cutaneous Exposure to Excessive Circumambient (Air) and Circumradiant Heat of Varying Duration and Intensity.
    Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; Cincinnati University School of Medicine, OH; Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York
    Archives of Pathology, Vol. 43, 46-488, 1974

  • Moritz, A. R.
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    Studies of Thermal Injury. Part 3. The Pathology and Pathogenesis of Cutaneous Burns--An Experimental Study.
    Harvard Medical School, Boston
    American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 23, No. 6, 915-941, November 1947

  • Moritz, A. R.; Henriques, F. C., Jr.; McLean, R.
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    Effects of Inhaled Heat on the Air Passages and Lungs.
    Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
    American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 21, 311-331, 1945

  • Moritz, A. R.; Henriques, F. C.
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    Studies of Thermal Injury. Part 2. The Relative Importance of Time and Surface Temperature in the Causation of Cutaneous Burns.
    Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
    American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 23, No. 5, 695-720, 1947

  • Roos,A.; Weisiger, J. R.; Moritz, A. R.
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    Studies of Thermal Injury. Part 7. Physiological Mechanisms Responsible for Death During Cutaneous Exposure to Excessive Heat.
    Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA
    Journal ofClinical Investigations, Vol. 26, No. 3, 505-519, 1947

  • Henriques, F. C., Jr.; Moritz, A. R.
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    Studies of Thermal Injury. Part 1. The Conduction of Heat to and Through Skin and the Temperatures Attained Therein. A Theoretical and an Experimental Investigation.
    Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
    American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 23, No. 4, 531-549, 1947