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Pedley, M. D.; Benz, J. J.
view article (1.0)Tetrafluorohydrazine: History, Past Testing, and Recommended Testing. Interim Report. September 1, 1985-December 31, 1985.National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Los Cruses, NMAir Force Rocket Propulsion Lab., Edwards AFB, CA, AFRPL-TR-86-025, March 1987, 80 p.Moffett, G. E.; Schmidt, N. E.; Pedley, M. D.; Linley, L. J.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of the Liquid Oxygen Mechanical Impact Test.National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Las Cruces, NM; National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Houston, TXASTM STP 1040,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 4th International Symposium. Volume 4. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1040. April 11-13, 1989, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Las Cruces, NM, Stoltzfus, J. M.; Benz, F. J.; Stradling, J. S., Editors, 11-22 p., 1989Moffet, G. E.; Pedley, M. D.; Schmidt, N.; Williams, R. E.; Hirsch, D.; Benz, F. J.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Nonmetallic Materials by Impact of High-Pressure Gaseous Oxygen.Lockheed-EMSCO, Las Cruces, NM; NASA-Johnson Space Center, Las Cruces, NM; California Univ., Santa BarbaraASTM STP 986,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 3rd International Symposium. Volume 3. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 986. April 6-8, 1987, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Cambridge, England, Schroll, D. W., Editors, 218-232 p., 1987Pedley, M. D.; Pao, J. H.; Bamford, L.; Williams, R. E.; Plante, B.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Contaminants by Impact of High-Pressure Oxygen.Lockheed-EMSCO, Las Cruces, NM; NASA Johnson Space Center, Las Cruces, NMASTM STP 986,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 3rd International Symposium. Volume 3. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 986. April 6-8, 1987, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Cambridge, England, Schroll, D. W., Editors, 305-317 p., 1987Schmidt, N.; Moffett, G. E.; Pedley, M. D.; Linley, L. J.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Nonmetallic Materials by Impact of High-Pressure Oxygen II: Evaluation of Repeatability of Pneumatic Impact Test.National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Las Cruces, NM; Lockheed-ESC, Houston, TXASTM STP 1040,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. 4th International Symposium. Volume 4. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1040. April 11-13, 1989, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Las Cruces, NM, Stoltzfus, J. M.; Benz, F. J.; Stradling, J. S., Editors, 23-37 p., 1989Janoff, D.; Pedley, M. D.; Bamford, L. J.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Nonmetallic Materials by Impact of High Pressure Oxygen. Part 3. New Method Development.Lockheed-ESC, Houston, TX; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TXASTM STP 1111,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. Volume 5. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1111. May 14-16, 1991, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Cocoa Beach, FL, Stoltzfus, J. M.; McIlroy, K., Editors, 60-74 p., 1991Shelley, R. M.; Janoff, D. D.; Pedley, M. D.
view article (1.0)Effect of Hydrocarbon Oil Contamination on the Ignition and Combustion Properties of PTFE Tape in Oxygen.NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility, Las Cruces, NM; Lockheed-ESC, Houston, TX; NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TXASTM STP 1197,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. Volume 6. Symposium Sponsored by ASTM Committee G-4 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. ASTM STP 1197. May 11-13, 1993, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Janoff, D. D.; Stoltzfus, J. M., Editors, 81-94 p., 1993Hshieh, F. Y.; Bryan, C. J.; Pedley, M. D.
view article (1.0)Communication: Autoignition Temperature of Carbon-Filled Fluoroelastomers at Elevated Oxygen Pressure.Allied Signal Technical Services Corp. Team, Las Cruces, NM; NASA Kennedy Space Center, KSC, FL; NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TXFire and Materials, Vol. 18, No. 6, 389-391, 1994Hshieh, F. Y.; Bryan, C. J.; Pedley, M. D.
view article (1.0)Autoignition Temperature of Carbon-Filled Fluoroelastomers at Elevated Oxygen Pressure.NASA Kennedy Space Center, KSC, FL; NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TXProduct Safety Corporation. International Conference on Fire Safety, 20th. Volume 20. Proceedings. January 9-13, 1995, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 289-289 p., 1995Rimanosky, E. M.; Janoff, D. D.; Altemir, D.; Pedley, M. D.
view article (1.0)Effects of Configuration, Forced Convection, and Oxygen Concentration on the Flammability Behavior of Electronic Equipment.AlliedSignal Technical Services Corp. Team, Las Cruces, NM; Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co., Houston, TX; NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TXASTM STP 1267; ASTM PCN 04-012670-31,American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Seventh (7th) Volume. ASTM STP 1267. Proceedings. March 16-17, 1995, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Denver, CO, Janoff, D. D.; Royals, W. T.; Gunaji, M., Editors, 168-183 p., 1995