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Edgerley, P. G.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Variations of Smoke Density With Heat Flux.Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Hertfordshire, EnglandJournal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 10, No. 3, 216-226, July 1979International Conference on Fire Safety, 4th. Volume 4. January 15-19, 1979., San Francisco, CA, 169-183 p., 1979Hume, J.; Kumar, S.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Computerised Assessment of Enhanced Fire Safety Materials.Fire and Materials Ltd., London, EnglandNew Technology to Reduce Fire Losses and Costs. October 2-3, 1986, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, NY, Luxembourg, Grayson, S. J.; Smith, D. A., Editors, 130-137 p., 1986Edgerley, P. G.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Variations of Smoke Density With Heat Flux.Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Herts, EnglandInterflam '79. International Conference on Flammability. Conference Workbook. Organised Jointly by 'Fire and Materials' and LIRA. March 27-29, 1979., Guildford, England, 35-36 p., 1979Edgerley, P. G.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Effect of Pyrolysis and Combustion Temperatures on Smoke Density.ICI Ltd., Herts, EnglandAlena Enterprises of Canada. Fire Retardants: Proceedings of 1st European Conference on Flammability and Fire Retardants. July 14-15, 1977, Technonic Publishing Co., Inc., Westport, CT, Brussels, Belgium, Bhatnagar, V. M., Editors, 45-56 p., 1979Edgerley, P. G.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Further Variations of Smoke Density With Heat Flux.Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Hertfordshire, UKFire and Materials, Vol. 4, No. 2, 104-108, June 1980Hume, J.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Databasing of Cone Calorimetry Results: An Initial Approach.London Univ., EnglandQMC Fire and Materials Center in association with Fire Research Station. Fire: Control the Heat...Reduce the Hazard. International Conference. October 24-25, 1988, London, England, 20/1-8 p., 1988Hume, J.; Pettett, K.; Jenc, J.
view article (1.0)Cone Calorimetry of CMHR Polyurethane Foam: An Evaluation of the Effects of melamine Additive.Warrington Fire and Materials Center; Polyol International BVPlastics and Rubber Institute AND British Plastics Federation. Flame Retardants 1990. International Conference, 4th. January 17-18, 1990, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, London, England, 234-241 p., 1990Perrins, L. E.; Pettett, K.
view article (1.0)Measurement of Flame Spread Velocities.Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, UKJournal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 5, 85-102, January 1974