FireDOC Search

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  • Puri, I. K.; Seshadri, K.; Smooke, M. D.; Keyes, D. E.
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    Comparison Between Numerical Calculations and Experimental Measurements of the Structure of a Counterflow Methane-Air Diffusion Flame.
    California Univ., San Diego, La Jolla
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 1-3, 1-22, 1987

  • Hamins, A.; Yang, M. H.; Puri, I. K.
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    Structure of Inhibited Counterflowing Nonpremixed Flames.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Illinois Univ., Chicago
    Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC,
    Halon Alternatives Technical Working Conference 1993. Proceedings. HOTWC 1993. (Halon Options Technical Working Conference.) University of New Mexico; New Mexico Engineering Research Institute; Center for Global Environmental Technologies; National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, Inc.; Halon Alternative Research Corp.; Fire Suppression Systems Assoc.; and Hughes Associates, Inc. May 11-13, 1993, Albuquerque, NM, 503-510 p., 1993

  • Yang, M. H.; Puri, I. K.; Hamins, A.
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    Extinction of Inhibited, Stretched and Diluted Counterflowing Flames.
    Illinois Univ., Chicago; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Combustion Institute/Central and Eastern States Section. Combustion Fundamentals and Applications. Joint Technical Meeting. March 15-17, 1993, New Orleans, LA, 56-60 p., 1993

  • Mathew, A.; Puri, I. K.
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    Soot Formation in turbulent Nonpremixed Chloromethane-Air Flames.
    Illinois Univ., Chicago
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Technical Meeting, 1993. October 25-27, 1993, Princeton, NJ, 287-290 p., 1993

  • Puri, I. K.
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    Extinction Criteria for Buoyant Nonpremixed Flames.
    University of Illinois, Chicago
    Session B-1,
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Fall Technical Meeting, 1990. December 3-5, 1990, Orlando, FL, 55/1-4 p., 1990

  • Lee, K. Y.; Cha, D. J.; Puri, I. K.; Hamins, A.
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    Heat Release Mechanisms in Inhibited Laminar Counterflow Flames.
    University of Illinois, Chicago; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fire, Combustion, and Hazardous Waste Processing. HTD-Vol. 296. November 6-11, 1994, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, NY, Chicago, IL, Acharya, S.; Annamalai, K.; Presser, C.; Skocypec, R. D., Editors, 25-36 p., 1994

  • Lee, K. Y.; Puri, I. K.
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    Influence of a Vortex on a Freely Propagating Laminar Methane-Air Flame.
    University of Illinois, Chicago
    Combustion Institute/Central and Western States (USA) and Combustion Institute/Mexican National Section and American Flame Research Committee. Combustion Fundamentals and Applications. Joint Technical Meeting. Proceedings. April 23-26, 1995, San Antonio, TX, Gore, J. P., Editors, 169-172 p., 1995

  • Puri, I. K.
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    Turbulent Flames Close to Extinction: A Discussion in Context of the Flamelet Theory.
    Illinois Univ., Chicago
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Proceedings. Fall Technical Meeting, 1991. October 14-16, 1991, Ithaca, NY, 24/1-4 p., 1991

  • Puri, I. K.
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    Turbulent Flames Close to Extinction. Part 2. Survival Probability During Random Walks.
    Illinois Univ., Chicago
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Proceedings. Fall Technical Meeting, 1991. October 14-16, 1991, Ithaca, NY, 25/1-4 p., 1991

  • Puri, I. K.; Hamins, A.
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    Prediction of the Pulsation Frequency of Pool Fires.
    University of Illinois, Chicago; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Combustion Institute/Eastern Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Proceedings. Fall Technical Meeting, 1991. October 14-16, 1991, Ithaca, NY, 92/1-4 p., 1991