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MacArthur, C. D.; Reeves, J. B.
view article (1.0)Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue Simulation Model. Final Report.Dayton Univ., OHDOD Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, DOD AGFSRS 75-5, September 1975, 165 p.Reeves, J. B.; MacArthur, C. D.
view article (1.0)Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model. Volume 1. Basic Mathematical Model. Final Report. July 1974-March 1976.Dayton Univ., OHFederal Aviation Admin., Washington, DC, FAA-RD-76-120, I, June 1976, 143 p.Reeves, J. B.
view article (1.0)Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model. Volume 2. Laboratory Test Program. Final Report. July 1974-March 1976.Dayton Univ. Research Inst., OHDepartment of Transportation, Washington, DC, FAA-RD-76-120, II, June 1976, 272 p.Iden, D. J.; Reeves, J. B.
view article (1.0)Airfield Parameter Study and Categorization System Related to Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue. Final Report.Dayton Univ., OHAircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue System Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, DOD-AGFSRS-75-1, June 1975, 114 p.