FireDOC Search

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  • Dressler, D. P.; Robinson, R. S.; Gann, R. G.; Stone, J. P.; Williams, F. W.; Carhart, H. W.
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    Biological Effect of Fire Suppression by Nitrogen Pressurization in Enclosed Environments.
    Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA; Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC
    Journal of Combustion Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 3, 314-324, August 1977

  • Robinson, R. S.; Dressler, D. P.; Dugger, D. L.; Cukor, P.
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    Smoke Toxicity of Fire Retardant Television Cabinets.
    Harvard MedicalSchool, Cambridge, MA; GTE Laboratories, Inc., Waltham, MA
    Journal of Combustion Toxicology, Vol. 4, 435-453, November 1977

  • Skornik, W. A.; Dressler, D. P.; Robinson, R. S.
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    Relationship Between a Scale-Model Laboratory Bioassay Method for the Determination of Smoke Toxicity and a Full-Scale Fire Test.
    Harvary Medical School, Cambridge, MA
    University of Utah. International Symposium on Toxicity and Physiology of Combustion Products. March 22-26, 1976, Salt Lake City, UT, 1-29 p., 1976

  • Skorkik, W. A.; Robinson, R. S.; Dressler, D. P.
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    Toxicity of Thermal Decomposition Products of Various Paints.
    Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA
    Journal of Combustion Toxicology, Vol. 3, 71-83, February 1976